Business Analysis

Full remote business Analysis

Investment starts from Ā£750

Are you ready to shift the energy in your business to create more success, profitability and overall abundance? 

Itā€™s time to dive deeper into your business space and identify how we can use remedies to improve all aspects of your business from creating a calmer working environment, to more financial abundance. 

With my comprehensive report we can harness the principles of modern-day Feng Shui

and address any unfavourable energies in your work space, while enhancing the positive ones, resulting in a space that radiates calm and fluidity.

This is perfect for you if

You want to feel a noticeable shift in the energy in your business.

You want to improve the working relationships in your business by welcoming more positive energy into your working space.

You want to create a calmer worker environment for yourself and your employees. 

You want to attract more money into your business.

By placing some simple Feng Shui remedies into your workplace you can achieve this and so much more!

After an initial call with Louise to provide you with a bespoke quote, you will then receive an email containing instructions and details regarding all the information needed for the Business Analysis.

This service is conducted remotely, and your report will be sent to you within 14 days upon receiving all the necessary information.

Let the magic begiN

you will receive a 21 page stunning bespoke report which details:

The Nine Areas of the Business Premises

Property Type

Business Premises Element

External Remedies

Floor Plans

Detailed findings unique to your business

Tailored remedies required

Iā€™m excited to help you create more magic in your space!

Hi, my name is Louise

and my expertise lies in assisting homeowners and business owners connect with the positive energy in their living and working spaces, through the principles of modern-day Feng Shui.

It involves releasing stagnant energy throughout, clearing negativity, and most importantly, welcoming positive energy into your living or working space and retaining it.